What is Skriftr?

Skriftr is a proof-of-concept of an online journal.

While learning how to create full-stack applications, I realized that it can be hard to learn new skills when progress isn't tangible. Additionally, I needed a "sandbox" to practice releasing an actual Node.JS application. So, over the course of three months, I created Skriftr.

Skriftr is built with Express.JS in a Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern. The storage is handled using MongoDB, managed through Mongoose.JS. The views (currently) are Embedded JavaScript (EJS) templates, a simple and lightweight server-side rendering of HTML. Styling is a combination of a Bootstrap framework and vanilla CSS, as well as D3.JS for SVG visuals. In the future, the app will be updated to use a full MERN (MongoDB, Express.JS, React.JS, Node.JS) stack.

Security: Skriftr adheres to SSL/TLS protocol and uses Helmet.JS, data validation/sanitization, CSP (Content Security Policy) to address threats from XSS (Cross Site Scripting), CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing), and other malicious acts. Login information is hashed and salted.

How to use Skriftr

1. Start a project!

Start a project with nothing more than a title and a description

A screenshot of the new project page, with 'Creating a React.JS front end for my website' in the title and 'This project is about implementing a React.JS front end for my website, including Redux. This way, I can become more proficient in Single Page Application development in Node.JS' in the description A screenshot of the new project page, with 'Creating a React.JS front end for my website' in the title and 'This project is about implementing a React.JS front end for my website, including Redux. This way, I can become more proficient in Single Page Application development in Node.JS' in the description

2. Update Daily

Post progress and entries as you work

An example with two entries on the project page, each with a title, description, and date visible. Borders of the pages have the project description, project title, and a button for the confidence tracker An example with two entries on the project page, each with a title, description, and date visible. Borders of the pages have the project description, project title, and a button for the confidence tracker

3. Check the "Confidence Tracker"

As you post more entries, you should start seeing confidence rise and fall over time.

The confidence tracker; a line graph sporadically rising starting in March and ending in August The confidence tracker; a line graph sporadically rising starting in March and ending in August

The goals of Skriftr

Skriftr is a personal project. This website does not collect data, share data, or operate as a business in any way. And it is totally free! It was created as a personal way to produce a full stack web application, while learning along the way.

If you'd like to help me, please make an account, explore, and leave feedback!

A warning.

While anyone is invited to use Skrifter, this is a small amateur project. Accounts can be hacked, information can be lost, and systems can break. I do not have the resources to account for every possibility, and do not want anyone using this application to feel misled. So please, experiment and use this website as much as you'd like! But protect yourself by not using a repeat password, use a long password, and never make any journal entries that include personal information. Thank you.


Interested in Skriftr? Have a recommendation (features, bugs, etc.)? Let me know.